Photographer Buck O’Donoghue and writer Joanna Craig adopted an ethnographic approach to creating Gonarezhou and the Return of the Black Rhino, immersing themselves in the park’s vibrant life for eighteen months. By living and working alongside the people who form the park’s beating heart, they embraced a long-form, embedded observational process that fostered trust and yielded deep, nuanced insights. The result is a richly layered exploration of the factors driving fluctuations in black rhino populations—and much more. The book delves into the history and current realities of the minority Hlengwe people, while also examining the evolving concept of conservation in Zimbabwe.
This book is both a work of art and a profound study, making it the perfect coffee table companion for those who cherish wilderness and wish to explore the intricate histories that shape it.
The duo has already embarked on their next book project.
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